Sunday, July 20, 2014

We're back!!

Where do I even start?. I know I'll never catch up on what life has been like the past 2 years that I haven't blogged, so I guess I'll start with what we're up to lately. I'll just go ahead and say I'm sorry now for any missed spelling and wrong punctuations. These post will be done fast do to the small amount of time my kids will let me sit on the computer before they are climbing on me or turning the switch off on the computer :)

McCoy is really into his "friends" the minute he wakes up he asks if he can go play with his friends and most the time he tries to skip breakfast by saying he's not hungry. I try to start the day off with no yelling and try to be a "yes" mom instead of a "no" mom, but lets face it, McCoy drives me to crazy everyday.  His personality has always shined since day one but the past year this kid is really showing me his amazing spirit. when I say he's funny I don't mean he acts goofy or acts out for attention this kid really is funny and makes people laugh daily. He's so grown for a 4 year old and I'm not sad about it. I love my wise 4 year old with is huge vocabulary even when some of those words are naughty ;)

McCoy is the most giving person I've ever met.  I love hate when his dirty little hands and rock filled shoes comes tromping through my just mopped kitchen floor gathering all the fruit snacks and Popsicles he can find to feed all his friends outside. We live in a neighborhood filled with stinky little boys and they play all day long outside and do boy stuff like catch bugs, ride bikes, run through the sprinklers and play in the dirt.  We bought a house by the way! I'll get to that another time. but overall McCoy is such a sweet kid and he teaches me everyday. His favorite things to do right now are playing with friends, shed hunting, jumping on the tramp, catching bugs, baseball, shooting his BB gun, looking for deer, riding his bike (with no training wheels) had to add that, so proud of him. He's mama's tender hearted boy and daddy's little sidekick!.

Our Knoxxy BOY is 100% rough and tough, this kid takes no crap from anyone and can hold his own to his older brother. they fight like cats and dogs and McCoy is usually the one that comes running and crying. I ask him why he's so mean and he just says "Cuz"  But all that bully stuff set aside Knoxx is the BEST snuggle buddy anyone could ever have.  He'll lay in bed just staring at the ceiling if you have your arms wrapped around his body.  He has a huge tender heart he just has a hard time showing it. He's your typical 2 year old into everything and making messes left and right. This kid still spills everything you put in a cup with no lid with out fail, and every day I have to remind myself that he's just 2 and he's only been in this world for 2 short years and he's still a baby himself. Did I mention he's a complete SHIT! but the cutest one at that. I love that McCoy and Knoxx are night and day. McCoy has always been into hunting and stuff like that and Knoxx he likes motorcycles and always run to the window to watch the train or the garbage trucks go by. He's a complete show off and loves to lip the words to just about every song. He can count to 10 perfect and go to 20 with a few missed numbers :) I love this little boy he has taught me a lot about motherhood in such a short time. His smiles and his "hi mommy" as he waves when he's in trouble turns my heart right to butter.

Here is our little Monroe Lynn.
I'm hoping to get around to posting about her birth story but as of right now this little sweet thing is 1 month old and has brought SO much love and joy to our home. From the day I found out I was pregnant I knew it was going to be a baby girl. My pregnancy was hard, by far the hardest out of all of them. I worked 5 days a week, some days 16 hour shifts up until I was 8 1/2 months pregnant. She was worth all the pain and suffering I went through. She is the best baby, so happy and only peeps when she's ready to nurse. She sleeps 5-6 hours through the night wakes up to eat, have her bum changed and she's out again. She's officially out of newborn clothes and into 0-6 month stuff. She's starting to try and coo, she gets all excited and makes a high pitched noise to let us know she's just happy. Her brothers love her and never stop giving kisses. She is so beautiful and we just love having a sissy!!!.... I feel like I have lots to blog about but not a whole lot of time to do so. Life with 3 kids is NUTS and trying to keep the house clean, kids fed and laundry done,  I'm always left feeling exhausted and can't wait to hit the sack. but I do have lots more to post! people have been begging me to post pictures of our new house so maybe that will be my next post. stay tuned.
 hope you enjoyed family and friends!        Love, me.

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